It is the desire of the Board of Directors of the Albright Cemetery Corporation that the following rules and regulations shall tend to add beauty, accessibility, and economy of operation, all in the best interest of space owners. These rules and regulations may be changed or modified at any time as occasion may require, without notice by the Cemetery to lot owners. Cemetery spaces shall be sold to individuals only.


1.       All decorations shall be removed from the graves on or about March 1 and October 1 of each year by the Albright Cemetery Corporation (allowing for a complete clearing of the Cemetery). Any decorations that a space owner wishes to keep must be removed before these dates. Ten (10) days from the above dates, decorations may be returned to the grave space.


2.      Nothing shall be placed farther than thirty-six (36) inches to the east of the west edge of the lot (or the west edge of the monument foundation), on any grave space. NO grave decorations should overhang the sides of the grave foundation. No decorations or lights may be stuck into the ground. Decorations and lights may be placed in a flowerpot, urn, or box. No glass, candles, mulch, or decorative stone allowed. No decorations should be over 36” tall. Empty shepherd hooks will be removed.


3.      The Board of Directors of the Albright Cemetery Corporation reserves the right to remove any object that shall obstruct the mowing of the grave.


4.      If any structure, inscription, or decoration shall be determined by the Board of Directors to be offensive or inappropriate, they shall have the right and it shall be their duty, to remove, change or correct the offensive or inappropriate object or objects.


5.      NO FLAG POLES OR PERMANENT decorative fixtures may be added to any space.


6.      No evergreen, tree, or bush of any variety shall be planted on any grave space. No curbing, fencing, hedging, borders, or enclosure above grass level allowed.


7.      All monuments, markers, and/or headstones must be professionally manufactured. Any non-standard monuments must be approved by Albright Cemetery Corporation prior to placement.


8.      Albright Cemetery Corporation is not responsible for any theft or damage to anything placed on monuments or spaces. A reasonable attempt to avoid damage to decorations will be made; however, ultimate responsibility for decorations is with the space owner.


9.      Any and all work performed on the cemetery property shall be done only by authorized agents of the Albright Cemetery Corporation.


10.   Vaults are required for all burials and their construction is to be approved by the Albright Cemetery Corporation.


11.   No trespassing, loitering, or parking shall be allowed on the cemetery grounds except for those persons who have valid reasons to be on the grounds. The cemetery is closed dusk to dawn.


12.   Any person defacing any monument or building, or any other property owned by the Albright Cemetery Corporation shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


13.   Pets must be leashed. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after pets.


14.   No alcohol is allowed on cemetery grounds.


15.   No driving or parking on the grass allowed at any time.


16.   Albright Cemetery Corporation allows one casketed remain and up to two cremated remains in a single burial space. Cemetery allows up to four cremated remains in a single burial space. Each interment will be charged accordingly.


17.   Albright Cemetery Corporation reserves the right to correct any error that may be made. Errors involving description, transfer or granting of any burial right may be corrected by canceling such grant and substituting and granting other burial right of equal or greater value and similar location, if possible, or as may be selected by cemetery. The cemetery, at its discretion, may elect to refund the amount of money paid for the burial rights or services in question.


18.   It is not the policy of the cemetery to repurchase burial rights. The cemetery will render assistance to owners of burial rights when a new owner has been obtained by transferring ownership accordingly. The cemetery will provide the transfer deed to consummate the sale for a nominal fee. No transfer of burial rights is complete unless it is properly recorded by the cemetery.